On 27 May, Maryam Hosseinzaei successfully defended her MSc thesis entitled:
“Developing a simulation model for evaluating risks associated with storage hazardous materials at port terminals: a case study”
The results of this study could be used to prevent the occurrence of catastrophic accidents similar to the 2020 Beirut port!
Thanks to Dr.Morteza Bagheri and Dr. Reza Mohammad Hasany acting as a co-supervisors! Also special thanks to Dr.Zahra Bahramian, Assistant Professor at Tehran University acted as her advisor!
Thanks to all who supported this project including Mr.Shayanfar, Ofogh Chakad Darya Company, Mr.Hashemi, Port & Maritime Organisation (PMO) and all TSL members!
Finally, thanks to respected referees Dr.Ahadi & Dr. Mahdi Samadzad for their thoughtful comments and suggestions!