The “Transportation Systems and Logistics (TSL)” laboratory was established with the aim to promote research and education. TSL concentrates on the application of engineering management, and IT systems in transport systems, and logistics.

Risk and Safety Management Maintenance Management Intelligent Transportation Systems Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Transportation Systems and Logistics Lab. @ IUST

“How different are the students in Iran and abroad”

On November 17th at 10:30 AM by Mr. Lajevardi

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TSL & Productivity in Rail

On May 13, the Transportation Systems & Logistics (TSL) research lab hosted Dr. Sadeghi from the National Productivity Organisation of Iran (NPO), Mr.Shafei Naderi from

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Teachers’s Day at TSL

A heartfelt thanks to all #TSL members and my students who kindly celebrated this special occasion.Today, I had the opportunity to express my gratitude to

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